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4-Week English Grammar Mastery Challenge
Week 1 : The Strong Foundation of English Grammar!
Day 1 : Set your goal to learn English! (30:46)
DAY 2: Start understanding Grammar Easily (25:07)
DAY 3: Learn from mistakes of others (19:37)
DAY 4: Learn Parts of Speech (31:04)
DAY 5: Learn Tenses To Avoid Mistakes (26:43)
DAY 6: Effective Use of Questions (29:41)
DAY 7: Powerful Verbs, Adjectives and Adverbs (28:48)
Week 2 : Data Bank & 4-Slot Technique
DAY 8: Conjunctions! (28:17)
DAY 9: Punctuations - Use them effectively (34:05)
Day 9 - Bonus - Reading Effectively! (17:55)
DAY 10: Revision & Monitoring Session 1 (57:59)
DAY 11: Practical Uses of Tenses - Part 1 (45:22)
DAY 12: Practical Uses of Tenses - Part 2 (30:29)
DAY 13: Practical Uses of Tenses - Part 3 (24:48)
DAY 14: Learn Types Of Sentences (38:27)
Week 3 - Advanced Grammar
DAY 15: Modal Auxiliary Verbs - Part 1 (41:55)
DAY 16: Modal Auxiliary Verbs - Part 2 (37:04)
DAY 17: Conditional Sentences (35:15)
DAY 18: Passive Voice Part 1 (41:52)
DAY 19: Passive Voice Part 2 (34:57)
DAY 20: Direct & Indirect Speech Part 1 (49:23)
DAY 21: Direct & Indirect Speech Part 2 (37:03)
Week 4 - Skyrocket Your Growth
DAY 22: Revision & Monitoring Session 2 (52:06)
DAY 23: The Secret Of Your Temperament (51:33)
DAY 24: Unlock Your True Potential (55:47)
Day 25 - Maintain Quality Relationships (42:10)
DAY 26: Your Voice Quality Matters! (36:52)
DAY 27: Master Emotional Intelligence (54:01)
DAY 23: The Secret Of Your Temperament
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